Benefits of Utilizing Wall Space for Athletic Equipment Storage

Benefits of Utilizing Wall Space for Athletic Equipment Storage

Many athletic facilities are faced with the same difficult problem: a lack of storage space for team sports equipment. Couple that with the high cost of gear, and the problem of how to properly store and protect that gear can arise. To help solve this issue, GearGrid developed a line of Wall Mount Equipment Storage Panels and Shelves designed to assist in utilizing wall space effectively and efficiently. GearGrid is …

Caroll High School, IN

With the customized design of GearGrid’s Suffolk Equipment Storage System, Caroll High School in Indiana can safely and properly store their athletic gear.

GearGrids Fixed Gear Topper is the Perfect Solution for Your Storage Needs

GearGrids Fixed Gear Topper will not only put your teams helmets and shoulder pads on display, but it will also dry and safely store them. This product belongs on top of your teams lockers which will allow your athletic facility to have more space for your needs and will bring a professional feel to your locker room. The Fixed Gear Topper is made using GearGrids extremely durable and sturdy wire …

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